A small selection of our Eco Coffins.
Bamboo Lattice & Bamboo Eco
Bamboo is the fastest and strongest growing plant in the world growing up to a metre a day. Panda’s are a protected species, therefore careful consideration is made for their conservation.
This particular bamboo used for the construction of the coffin is not the same bamboo required for their diet; making this coffin an eco and environmentally friendly alternative to your traditional coffins.
Cromer Willow, Highsted Willow and Willow Eco
The willow coffins are produced in the UK and are also handmade by a co-operative of cottage industries in Poland.
Willow takes root from cuttings or where broken branches lay on the ground.
Making the Willow coffins an eco and environmentally friendly alternative to your traditional coffins.
The banana plant is the worlds largest herb plant and reaches up to 25 feet. The Banana coffins are made using dry leaves of the banana plant after the tree has produced its fruit and its season has passed. This makes the banana coffin a great eco and environmentally friendly alternative to your traditional coffins.
Pandanus Round
Pandanus is an environmental alternative to Seagrass, which is a plant that grows in coastal sea waters. Seagrass provides a natural habitat for many marine animals and filters nutrients and chemicals to the marine environment. Marine plants produce 70-80% of the oxygen in the air and could support up to 40 thousand fish and 50 million small invertebrates. To save our eco-system productivity, Pandanus which is grown inland is used; making this coffin an excellent eco and environmentally friendly alternative to Seagrass and your traditional coffins.
Pinboo & Pine
The Pine coffin is FSC certified from Poland and the Pinboo coffin is made from pine and bamboo which is grown in government licensed plantations in China ensuring an eco and environmentally friendly alternative to your traditional coffins.